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Complete Alma Gluck reissue from 78s2CD now Available for Download
MP3 Album Alma Gluck "Going Berrying" (2 CDs)
Item Details
MP3 Album Alma Gluck "Going Berrying" (2 CDs)
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MP3 Album Alma Gluck "Going Berrying" (2 CDs)
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Alma Gluck -- "Going Berrying" (No. 1021)

List of Selections

Disc 1

1. Aller au bois (Going berrying) - 64421

2. Nur wer die sennsucht kennt - 87244

3. Mon coeur s’ouvre a ta voix - 64592

4. The Bird of the Wilderness - 64594

5. Hark, Hark, The Lark - 64627

6. Passage Bird’s Farewell - 87199

7. Der Jaeger lang dem Weiher ging - 87184

8. Hans und Liesel - 87183

9. Treue Liebe - 87226

10. O Tannenbaum - 87229

11. Au Claire de la Lune - 87185

12. a) Long Ago, Sweetheart Mine; b) A Maid Sings Light - 64268

13. She Wandered Down the Mountainside - 74503

14. Sylvelin - 64413

15. The Monotone - 87208

16. L’Heure Exquise - 64750

17. Dawn - 64728

18. Romance Orientale - 87287

19. Rose Softly Blooming - 74543

[Total Playing time: 54:39]

Disc 2 (Alternatives):

1. Tzar’s Bride: Lyubasha’s air - 74383

2. Oh, Sleep! Why Dost Thou Leave Me? - 74423

3. Louise - Depuis le jour - 74252

4. Nightingale Song - 64566

5. A Perfect Day - 64607

6. Oh, That We Two Were Maying - 87110

7. My Old Kentucky Home - 74386

8. Home Sweet Home - 74251

9. Chanson indoue – A Song of India - 64269

[Total Playing Time 32:41]

78s2CD Item 1021 MP3 Album
MP3 Album Alma Gluck "Going Berrying" (2 CDs)
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