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John McCormack Reissues From 78s2CD now Available for Download
MP3 Album John McCormack "I Hear You Calling Me"
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MP3 Album John McCormack "I Hear You Calling Me"
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MP3 Album John McCormack "I Hear You Calling Me"
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Download ZIP archive (43MB) contains entire CD contents in MP3 format plus jewel case inserts (PDF) and graphic for CD face.

The following is the complete list of included recordings:

1.    Come Back to Erin


        Victor 74158; HMV 02244

        C 8588-1 (1 February 1910)


2.    Macushla

        (Rowe - McMurrough)

        Victrola 64205; HMV 4-2144

        B 10134-1 (30 March 1911)


3.    When Irish Eyes are Smiling

        (Olcott - Graff - Ball

        Victrola 64631; HMV 4-2866

        B 18387-2 (20 September 1916)


4.    Sweet Peggy O’Neil

        (Joseph P. Redding - Uda Waldrop)

        Victrola 66028; HMV 5-2544

        B 23791-2 (30 March 1920)


5.    Killarney


        Victor 74157; HMV 02246

        C 8594-1 (3 January 1910)


6.    Eileen Allanah

        (Marble - Thomas)

        Victrola 64341; HMV 4-2371

        B 13231-1 (2 May 1913)


7.    Little Town in Ould County Down

        (Pascoe - Carlo - Sanders)

        Victrola 64994; HMV 5-2484

        B 25353-2 (17 June 1921)


8.    Mother Machree

        Poem  by Rida Johnson Young

        (Chauncey Olcott & Ernest Ball)

        Victrola 64181; HMV 4-2142

        B 10069-1 (17 March 1911)


9.    O’ Cease Thy Singing, Maiden Fair

        (Rachmaninoff Op. 4, No. 4)

        with Fritz Kreiser

        Victrola 87574; HMV 5-2377

        B 23906 -1 (2 April 1920)


10.  Angel’s Serenade


        with Fritz Kreisler

        Victor 88479; HMV 02540

        C 14623-1 (25 March 1914)


11.  Meistersinger - Prize Song


        Victor 74479; HMV 02846

        C 17656-1 (10 May 1916)


12.  Jocelyn - Berceuse


        with Fritz Kreisler

        Victor 88483; HMV 02542

        C 14626-1 (25 March 1914)


13.  Keep the Home Fires Burning

        (Lena Guilbert Ford - Ivor Novello)

        Victrola 64696

        B 20017-2 (7 June 1917)


14.  God be With Our Boys Tonight

        (Fred G. Bowles - Wilfrid Sanderson)

        Victrola 64773; HMV 5-2285

        B 21663-3 (1 May 1918)


15.  Three O’Clock in the Morning

        (Dorothy Terriss - Julian Robledo)

        Victrola 66109; HMV 5-2679

        B 27029-3 (17 October 1922)


16.  Elisir d’Amore - Una Furtiva Lagrima


        Victrola 74219; HMV 2-052022

        C 8536-2 (1 February 1910)


17.  Ave Maria

        (Bach - Gounod)

        with Fritz Kreisler

        Victor 88481; HMV 02541

        C 14624-2 (31 March 1914)


18.  The Last Hour

        (Jessie C. Brown - A. Walter Kramer)

        Victrola 87576; HMV 5-2505

        B 24036-1 (5 May 1920)


19.  I Hear You Calling Me

        (Harford - Marshall)

        Victor 64120; HMV 4-2076

        B 8695-2 (16 March 1911)


20.  I Hear You Calling Me

        (Harford - Marshall)

        Victor 64120; HMV 4-2076

        B 8695-3 (16 June 1921)


John McCormack - "I Hear You Calling Me" MP3 Album Download
MP3 Album John McCormack "I Hear You Calling Me"
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